Loren Sonkin resides in Cleveland Ohio with his wife, son, daughter. He is an attorney in private practice but dreams of traveling the world visiting wineries. And in fact, he has made friends with many wine makers and wine lovers around the world. Although he likes wines from almost everywhere, his favorite wine region is Italy. The great wines of Italy provide immense pleasure for him but so do the obscure wines that are priced at a point where they can be enjoyed on any table. His journey from wine appreciation, to enthusiast to what some might refer to, as being a wine geek has been one of fun and constant learning. He was the first person certified as an Aficionado of Wine under the Robert Parker- Kevin Zraly Wine Certification program and the second person certified as a Connoisseur of Wine . He has been invited and served as wine tasting judge for both homemade wines and winery competitions. Loren has been the winemaker an co-proprietor at SonkinCellars which can be found at www.SonkinCellars.com.

Loren Sonkin can be contacted at [email protected].


16 years 9 months