No label, identified from the cork. Brown in color. Mostly shot but still has something to offer. Coffee, honey, dried fruit. Age 60, unknown provenance.
No label, identified from the cork. Brown in color. Mostly shot but still has something to offer. Coffee, honey, dried fruit. Age 60, unknown provenance.
This wine appeared on the market in large quantities a few years back. This may have had something to do with the sale of the estate in 2014 from the Lurton family to Dennis Debourdieu.
Yquem might be the single greatest wine in the world. Yes, those are bold words, but it is arguably true. This bottle was wonderful indeed. Paired with Mango roses in a Rose water and honey sauce, it was sublime. Light golden in color, this wine is still quite young. The nose is amazing with slight apricot, lots of honey and orange peel. Viscous and sweet, not cloying. The orange peel and honey carry thru. The thing about Yquem is the finish. It goes on forever and ever. Very nice acidity in 2011. This bottle will continue to age and mature for fifty years and no doubt at some po
What a treat to taste this wine that was opened by a friend for his 60th birthday. While perhaps not the best vintage for sauternes (great red vintages seldom are), this was still outstanding. The color of iced tea (sort of red/brown/orange) clear and bright. The nose is nice with apricots, honey and cashews. Viscous. Very slightly sweet. Medium bodied. Moderate acidity. On the palate, orange peel with some honey. Long finish. This should continue to drink well for the next fifteen to twenty years. It probably deserves to be consumed on its own or better yet, with birthday cake
There is not much more to offer about Yquem. It is arguably the finest wine made on the planet. This bottle was served early in the dinner along side fois gras or a vegetarian starter. It went quite well. The bottle had been opened and decanted ahead of time and this bottle seemed to be at just a bit lower than cellar temperature. Not the best Yquem ever but certainly a very good vintage that is in a good, if young, place right now. Golden in color. The nose is slightly sweet with apricots and slight honey. On the palate, slight peaches, slight honey and apricots with a touch of min