Katrina Plam has recently completed her MFA in Creative Writing at Antioch University in Los Angeles. She currently resides in Sonoma, Ca busily scribing a memoirish novel while working for a boutique winery in the Napa Valley. She’s into: yoga, indie music, books & museums, tee-shirt slogan-writing, raw food cuisine, lifting heavy things, lip gloss and my laptop, tequila and salty bites, depressive lyrics embedded in uplifting beats, fine wine in coffee mugs, afternoon naps and bed picnics, marshmallow roasting, cinema, spa days and getting muddy, novel writing, collaging, intentionally bad photography, blogging, soy lattes with nutmeg, watermelon, soul-dancing, hikes, discovering delish wines, ocean-gazing and pondering what’s really in the deep abyss, tree frogs and faeries, pedicures and champagne brunches, solitude, meditation, companionship and shared laughter, opera, pickles, snow leopards, skipping for no reason whatsoever.

17 years 6 months