Wine Storage

Wine Glass Storage: Stemware Storage Tips

Once you've purchased wine glasses that meet your needs, you will need to find a place to store them properly. Your goal should be to keep your stemware dust-free while minimizing breakage. There are many ways to store your wine glasses, depending on the amount of space you have available.

Which Wine Cooler Should You Buy?

Your wine collection is growing, and you've finally decided to take the plunge and purchase a wine cooler. These free-standing units, also called wine refrigerators, come in many shapes and sizes, not to mention price levels. As you browse websites and look through catalogs, you begin to realize just how many wine coolers are out there. How will you ever choose?

Wine Cellars: Factors to Consider When Making the Decision to Build a Wine Cellar

At some point in your wine collecting "career," you will probably begin to dream of owning a true wine cellar, a walk-in area of your home where your entire collection rests on matching racks, waiting for you to step inside and choose a bottle. Inspired by the gorgeous photographs of celebrity wine cellars, you might wonder if you should talk with a wine cellar expert about designing a cellar in your own home.

Choosing a Wine Rack: Tips & Advice for the Novice Wine Collector

Once you have started collecting wine, you need to find a place to store all those bottles. For some collectors, a wine cooler or wine refrigerator is a good solution. For many wine enthusiasts, however, the collection quickly outgrows the wine cooler unit. Purchasing wine racks and creating a wine cellar or wine storage area is the logical next step.

How to Choose a Wine Cooler: Basics for the Novice Wine Collector

There comes a point in almost every wine lover's life at which wine enjoyment turns into wine collecting. It might happen when you're at a wine festival or winery tour and discover a wine so wonderful that you take the plunge and bring home a case. Or, perhaps a friend who is moving out of town brings you several bottles of wine, saying, "I can't take these with me, so I want you to enjoy them." Either way, your collecting days have begun.

Wine Storage Basics: Temperature, Humidity, Light, & More

Picture this: you've just made your first foray into the wonderful world of wine buying. You remember reading somewhere that too much heat is really bad for wine, so you unload your car as quickly as possible. As you set the last case down, you realize that you haven't decided exactly where you will put all of the bottles. Now that the wine is actually in your home, it's time to make some wine storage choices.

White Wine Glasses: What Makes Them Good Versus Bad?

While getting ready for a recent holiday celebration, I discovered that I had far fewer wine glasses in my cabinet than I had thought (I am known for my klutzy tendencies). With several wine enthusiasts coming to my home for dinner, I needed to start shopping for replacement glasses. What I found was a bewildering array of shapes, sizes and prices, not to mention colors and patterns. Shopping for stemware can definitely be overwhelming.

Proper Insulation and Humidity for a Wine Cellar

I cannot begin to count how many times I have been asked to build a wine cellar for a client that either had little or no vapor barrier or it was done wrong. Most of the time the client,builder, or GC had no idea what a vapor barrier is. I will try to explain the importance of proper insulation,vapor barrier, and of course humidity.

The Elements of Wine Cellar Design

It's very easy to get caught up in the design (look) of your wine cellar, (Tuscan, contemporary, etc) but some people overlook the finer details of the overall space. Planning for capacity -not just how many bottles you currently own but how many will you have over the next 5, 10, 15 years- allows you to "grow" into your wine cellar.
